Celebrating, preserving, adapting, thriving.

Hola amigos 👋🏼

Welcome to Beyond the Grass Roots, formerly Sonnie’s Place. My name is Emma and I’ve spent the last 6 years reconnecting with my roots, learning to preserve ancient traditions to pass on to the next generation, and adapting them to our modern way of life.

These ‘old’ ways of growing and raising food in a sustainable way and learning how to make things with my hands has impacted not only my health but the health of my husband and children.

My husband and I have faced some hard challenges over the course of our 25 year marriage, mainly centered around pre-existing health issues. The impact that growing our food and raising our own meat has had in recent years is incalculable.

My hope is that by sharing my story and the things I’m doing on my Midwest farm can help you find hope and purpose in a distracted world.

Building soil health through hugelkultur
Raising ducks for nutrient dense and delicious eggs
Building things to keep our animals safe, secure, and happy